Satisfactory Saturday

Is it really possible that I could feel such a sense of contentment in just staying home today? YES! This week has been a crazy whirlwind of activity. Most of it is activity that is not ready to be shared yet in full disclosure, but things feel good from it and to me, that is all that is needed.

So, today I was hesitant to get to my 9:00 spin class, but so glad I did. I left there feeling full of energy and a new sense of accomplishment because it isn't hurting's starting to feel great! After my class we had to run to the Shop & Save to get some supplies for dinner and for tomorrow... (wink wink)
Of course since I had to have the kids stay in the car...the self check out refused to work right because naturally I was in a hurry! Right?

We got home, I prepared dinner, and made the kids their lunch. Dishes are done, and now they are outside playing. Probably scaling the walls of the house ;) and I am sipping my raspberry chocolate cappuccino wrapped up in a blanket and writing. *sigh* Life is good! Another beautiful thing about today is that my kids are playing the best game in the world...pretend. About every other ten seconds I hear "Ok, pretend..." and then I hear "Yeah, let's pretend..." Music to a mother's soul!

So some of my recent thoughts are creeping into my mind now, and I suppose it's ok to write about them here. A while back I wrote a post about the movie Courageous.  I also wondered if God was putting into place a plan for someone to cross my path and prove to me that chivalrous and kind men who just might care a little about my kids are really out there. If I have learned nothing else in my years after is this: Everyone we meet is put into our lives for a specific purpose. To help us heal, to hurt us, to love us, to change us. If nothing else ever comes from me meeting this man, I can know with certainty that he has been put into my path so that I can know that genuine and real men are still out there! God does have a plan...and I AM hoping that his plan will include the right one for me...only father time really knows for now.

In closing I just want to say that as I said before...I was coming out of a fog of post-divorce blah! My eyes are opening, I am beginning to feel beautiful again and I WILL find someone suited perfectly for me. My body is beginning to morph into something I am proud of, and it has been a long time since that was ever the case.

So I wish all of you a "Satisfactory Saturday" and the ability to feel the same sense of peace I have reclaimed inside of my heart.

Love & Peace


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