Single Mom...Rockin' It Solo!

I have an abundance of patience for people who are short a few fries of a happy meal on most days. Most days. Today however is not a 'most day' today is a rare day. One in fact that got my blood boiling upon finding an article about single moms online today. I have had friends tell me that this is not an internet hoax as I though it might be. Upon researching further, I found another article that pushed me to tears. Let me elaborate. Here is a link to the first article I stumbled upon. Basically declaring that Single Parenthood is child abuse! Yeah, because I am ruining my children's future by being happier now than I ever was before. Senator Glenn Grothman is a who should be asked to leave his seat...yesterday! I don't care if he's christian, or right wing, or center...I don't really care because he has missed this one by a mile! Not every single mother is where she is because she chose to be there. If the only options are to live your life in...